Sunday, August 28, 2011

The Boys and The Kids

Scotland presented the opportunity to focus on subject matter I'm passionate and really excited about. 

Here's one of the finished products from the last four and a half weeks. I hope you enjoy watching as much as I enjoyed shooting. 

The Boys and The Kids from Susannah Kay on Vimeo.

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I got pooped on by more than one bird today.

Piecing it Together

This story is complex - my favorite kind to tell. I'm not quite sure yet which way I'm going to run with this one, so stay tuned! Mary, John, Georgie, Bob and the pups- thanks for the awesome Scottish memories (and all of the chocolate!). 

Saturday, August 13, 2011

Nature at it's Finest

I went adventuring and came across a forest with so much life - mushrooms in every color of the rainbow, Bambi-looking deer, ferns covered in slugs and spongy moss coating the forest floor. I think I've read about this forest in a fairytale. 

Wednesday, August 3, 2011

Pups of the Week

If you're a dog lover (like me), come to Scotland. You'll not be disappointed, I promise.