Sunday, June 26, 2011

Fair Day

If you're in need of some inspiration, go to the fair. So many interesting faces and plenty of cute pigs.

Thursday, June 23, 2011

After a lot of days, I'm home

...and beautiful light seemed to follow. Not much more that I could ask for right now.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The Wild Life

In the last ten weeks I've created something I'm really proud of- a multimedia piece (my first!) for Soul of Athens, a project put on by the students of the School of Visual Communication at Ohio University. Our job was to create and publish a series of visual narratives focused around a certain idea or theme- this year we decided to focus on the theme of the changing American dream, hence our title, "Our Dreams Are Different." This is Soul of Athens' 5th year and it's stronger than ever. 

It's amazing what we have been able to put together from scratch in ten weeks time. Now, the biggest reward is being able to share the stories we have worked so hard on with you all, in hopes that you will share it with your friends and they will share it with their friends and so on and so forth. Make sure to check out all 15 stories at (WARNING: do not visit site if you have plans in the next three hours. The amazing content will suck you in and you will not be able to leave.) 

I chose to document the story of Jim Galvin, a retired small animal veterinarian with dreams of something bigger. And that is all I am going to give away. Enjoy!

Monday, June 6, 2011

Finals Week

My last week as an Ohio University freshman was filled with thunderstorms, not really studying, strawberries, and figuring out how to pack my life into two suitcases. I'm not yet sure how I feel after my first year of college, being away from California for so long and all, but I'm extraordinarily excited for the future.